Friday, January 21, 2011

How to Score More on Penny Auctions Sites?

Everyday more and more people choose to try their luck by participating in online auctions since they have a fair chance of owning brand name products at very low prices. However, participating in these online auction sites is like preparing for a battle. Thus, people should come prepared before they get embroiled in the brouhaha.

Ziinga is one of the most popular online auction sites in the internet and if people do not have a strategy, they stand a good chance of going home empty-handed. Remember, people participate in these auctions not just for the fun of it, but because THEY WANT THAT PRODUCT. Every auction site has its own rules, and it is better if interested bidders become familiar with the rules so that he knows what to do. Especially for first-time bidders, it is better to sit back and observe the process, because just by looking, many tips can be picked up. For starters, people can see the rate of bidders on each product. So after being acquainted with the rules, and observing the auction process, people are now ready to participate in the rumble.

To score it big in ziinga auctions, it is better to participate in auction during off-peak hours. This means that there stands a big chance that we will win the auction, as compared to slugging out with other professional bidders during peak hours. Also, participating in off-peak hours would also mean that there is a greater chance of acquiring the item at a really bargain price! Some bidders can also engage the services of the bid agent who will basically do all the hard work for us by automatically placing the bid every time a higher bid is placed. It is also important to take note of the time remaining in the auction. If there is little time left and we decide to place a bid, we might just pull an upset and win the auction!

As we can see, the most important element which every bidder should have is patience, and not to be swayed by emotions when he sees the flurry of bids and attempt to join in the fray.

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Role of Local Sellers in Online Auctioning

SuperBidRivals is a new merchant program that turns BidRivals buyers into local sellers. The Malta based penny auction site has announced this new development in an effort to make the bidding process more exciting. Local sellers just need to pay the listed purchase price of the item in question and then it will be listed for auctioning.

Penny auction sites are no longer a mystery. Online bidders are familiar with the process of purchasing items from these sites. The financial profitability is well known. What is rarely mentioned is the role that local sellers have in the future of such auctions.

BidRivals is by far one of the largest penny auction sites on the internet today. It even has websites dedicated to specific geographical regions e.g. Ireland, Australia, New Zealand etc. They host bidding in 27 countries and in 14 languages. They are offering local sellers the opportunity to become partners and make 50 percent of the total revenue share. With over 1000 auctions closed per day and a daily increase of approximately 100 new bidders, this opportunity has a lot of money making potential.

All you have to do is purchase a product through their merchant program, SuperBidRivals. This product will then be hosted for sale on any of their online auction sites at a time of your choice. For the retail price of the item, you then get access to their large customer base and you get to profit from your partnership with them.

Once the auction is closed, they do the rest and you as the seller do nothing but wait for your 50 percent share in the revenue that the bid has generated. BidRivals will deliver the item to the winning bidder. The other 50 percent remains with the auction host. All you need to do is go to their website and create an account. Once you have an account you can then easily integrate with their SuperBidRivals program.

Local sellers will have a great impact in the future of penny auction sites given the opportunity to buy items and put them up for auction, thereby creating their own auctions and generating huge profits.
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Online Auctioning Advantages and Disadvantages

Online auction website presents numerous benefits for anyone looking to buy or sell products at an affordable price, and they outweigh the disadvantages of placing bids online. Before venturing into this kind of trading, read on to know about the pros and cons of Internet auctions.

Convenience is the first advantage of buying and selling items online, meaning that you can find virtually any product you want from an auction site, right from a computer. These sites are usually categorized according to the type of products available for sale. Bidrivals, for example, has the following product categories: audio and iPods, gadgets and toys, gift cards, home and garden, TV, travel and others.
Another advantage is the low prices of items on auction sites, which gives buyers a chance to save money. A product worth $100 can be sold at less than $10, a bargain that cannot be found elsewhere. There is great potential of getting products online at a very cheap price and a good saving is always appreciated.

Many times, buying products from an auction means that you are dealing directly with the owner, rather than with a broker or company. It therefore provides a more personalized method of buying products and improves the reliability of the transaction. Bidrivals is a good place to conduct these purchases direct from the item’s owners.


There are some disadvantages of online auction such as the time limits of the bids. Sometimes the bidding time is restricted to a couple of minutes or hours which may be insufficient depending on the product. This best works if the item on sale is on high demand such that it will be sold within the bidding time. 
When there is great traffic on the bids, the buyer must also be fast in placing their own bid otherwise it will not register after time expires. You will need a fast browser and Internet speeds to make quick bids so any lagging is avoided.
Ensure that the auction site is verified to operate and avoid any mishaps when bidding. Visit Bidrivals for the best Internet auction experience.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to Purchase Bid Packages for the Site?

Bidrivals is among the established online auctions where users get to participate in bidding for an array of products on offer. The site works in a penny auction manner whereby each bid increases the auction by a cent and the last individual bid when the clock stops wins the item. However, you must first purchase bid packages so you can participate in any auction you desire. There are substantial items that you can win from the online auction. This includes: matchbooks, cameras, mobile phones, I-pads, Black Berries and a host of other goodies.

So, how do you get started? The first step is to register your personal details at the site. Once you have registered, you get to make one free bid. To participate fully in the online auction, it is necessary to purchase bid packages.

Bidrivals have made this easy by putting up a buy Bids Page where you can purchase Bid Packs in values of fifty to a thousand. These varieties of bid packs are suitable for any person willing to begin participating in the online auction. The bigger the bid package you purchase, the more you stand to get in terms of bonuses. You may also get bidrivals coupons and promotional codes which can secure you bonuses for the bid packages. Such coupons and promotional codes are available from many online sources and also from popular malls and shopping stores.

The next step when participating in bidrivals auctions is to identify a particular item you wish to start bidding on. You will be spoilt for choice by the range of items listed on th homepage. Products are categorized methodically in a dropdown list so you can choose the most appropriate.

Actual bidding is quite simple. Each time you place a bid, the value is deducted from your account. The live auction is then adjusted by a few seconds usually fifteen.
The last person to place a bid when the clock runs out wins the product.

Those who do not win the product do not have to walk away empty handed. You have the buy now option that enables you to purchase the product using the value of bids spent during the online auction. Hence, you will only be required to pay the difference between the value of bids used during the auction and the original value of the item. The advantages of bidding on beats the drawbacks registered on bidrivals review site.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Beneficial are Bidrivals?

A lot of people have debated on the authenticity of bidrivals and kept away from it while others have been glued to the hope of winning on the auctions hence spending so much time and money on the practice. Some have been lucky while some have developed tactics of the game while others have lost a lot of money.
When bidding, participants pay a non-refundable fee to place incremental bid.

At the end, the last participant wins the item bided for. This is the person that pays the last bid fee. The fee is almost always lower than the retail price of the commodity. The auctioneer benefits from the fees that proceed from the winning bid as well as the money collected from all other bidders who lost. However there are auctioneers who have come up that refund money to the bidders who loose, mostly generate their income from sponsors and companies advertising on their websites.

In some countries and states like Canada, this practice is illegal but many do not restrict. However in other countries, there are regulations, terms and conditions or guidelines to follow for auctioneers.

When bidding or participating in an online auction, most people make a point of following up on time as well as the amount others are bidding to maximize their chances of scooping the item. However this does not guarantee a definite win since bidding rivals would probably be doing the same thing too.

Bidding cost is as low as $ 0.10 though it mostly depends on the website and the number of times. However you may end up spending a lot according to the number of times you bid and there is also a high possibility of spending a lot of money bidding in and yet loose or spend more than the retail price of the item.

In a bidrivals review, there are bidders who have ascertained winning a lot of times and applauded some sites for their authenticity and delivering items fast. Most bidders who win are always the ones willing to pay the market price with the hope that other bidders will give up and quit.

Bid rivals can be addicting, you might keep bidding hoping to land on great deals and fail almost all the time, be sure the item is worth the effort.